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local businesses wanted
shop local - boycott big retail
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... growing your business while helping local businesses thrive.
You have a challenge:
51,381 Encinitas residents, yet your business remains unknown to most.
Is the solution?
Let's discuss the details step-by-step so you can make an informed decision.
Shop Local Encinitas
cross recommendations
smartphone referrals
citywide collaboration
Encinitas and beyond
7 ways to generate revenue
a thriving community
you decide pricing
The Solution:
Launch Your CityTree Today
Local businesses recommend your business to their patrons and walk-by shoppers, helping you boost sales.
Then their patrons and walk-by shoppers use their smartphones to refer your business to their friends, family and coworkers, helping you grow your business.
Voluntary Service Fees:
Pay what you think is fair - Free, $10, $20 or $30 a month - adjustable at any time. You decide.
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Businesses Wanted